I need a vacation.


Right now, I want to be somewhere under an umbrella in a lounge chair with big ass sunglasses on, a good book to read, chill music on my iPod, and someone is regularly bringing me fruity cocktails with the umbrellas in them. And I do mean regularly.

No bitching roommates, no bitching co-workers/bosses, no fluorescent lighting (i keep thinking I have grey hair), no dirty dishes, no threat of catching a stomach virus, no ice, snow, or sleet, no sweaters, no well loved Princess Leia boots with a big ass hole on the top of the foot, no headaches, no dry air (and consequently dry skin), no Shoestring, no driving...none of it.

And I can watch American Idol whenever I want, because if it hadn't been for me we wouldn't have a DVR in the first place, dammit.

I am so over (almost) everything right now, I really am. I spend Monday-Thursday wishing it would hurry up and be Friday already. Then as soon as I get out of work on Friday, I'm running all over the place having a blast because it's the weekend. Sunday is for delaying the inevitable as long as humanly possible (in this week's case, not getting home till 2am). Then we start all over again with Monday.

I'm sitting here at work wondering why it's not Friday yet.

I'm tired and cranky and I feel like I've been on the verge of a nervous breakdown for over a week.

But all I have to do is get to Saturday. Friday night will probably be just chillin at home and playing Wii, but Saturday is when it will all be better.

But I really need a vacation.


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