Spring Fever

Mother Nature, you are such an evil tease.

Last week, the temperature got up to a blissfully needed 80 degrees. Two days later we had a wretched ice storm that sent me home early from work and kept my sister at Newark Airport for an entire day.

She actually managed to get on a plane, but the de-icing process was taking so long that the airport shut down before they could hit the runway.

Today the temp is hovering just around 60, and remnant of last week's storm are still around to remind us that it may technically be spring, but we're not out of the woods yet.

Not until May.

But the next week looks rather springy, temps in the 50's.

Even though we had a relatively mild winter, February was a bitch and I'm sooo over winter. I'm ready to go ahead and start battling the pollen of spring. It makes it easier to space out on stuff because I have my allergy meds to blame and I'll just look generally miserable for about two months.

But spring in NYC isn't all that bad, and I can't wait to get out there and live it. Sunshine and busy streets and strappy sandals and sunglasses and general happiness to fully enjoy the best of the city before it gets too hot.

Then again, summertime in New York is freakin' awesome as well. It stays warm at night, there's more people about, there's bars with gorgeous patios and terraces...it all makes dealing with the stifling hot rancid pee-smelling subways so worth it.

(Hey, no one ever said I had to be an ambassador for NYC. I'm still and will always be a Jersey girl. The Wildwood boardwalk has an equally alluring-yet-off aroma, and I'm not ashamed to say that either.)

Anyway...yeah...spring and summer in New York City. It's all very...the only word that really comes to mind is "sexy." And if you've ever stayed out in the city all night in the summer until the sun came up and you see everything in the morning light as everything refreshes itself and then you leave it behind before it can be sullied by the rush hour until twilight settles and everything puts its sultriness back on just in time for you to come back to your playground...you know what I mean.

NYC in Spring/Summer 2007: The true meaning of "bringing sexy back."


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