Ok, ok, I'll do some work, I promise!

Who am I kidding? It's Friday!


So here I sit after an early lunch, with soy sauce splattered on my beloved (yet bootleg from Target) Rutgers hoodie.

I might have to ban myself from eating sushi at my desk.

I dropped a Philly roll into a practically full mini-cup of soy sauce, and it went "sploosh!" On my hoodie, my jeans, my monitor, my keyboard...
...and my face.

Yeah...I'm a genius.

In other news...

I recently acquired a Nintendo Wii.

That's right, bitches. I am automatically cooler than you. (Unless you also have a Wii.)

I was prepared to shell out my $250 for the system (my preciously hoarded $100 from X-mas came in handy here). I was prepared to wake up at the crack of dawn on a Sunday morning and wait in the freezing cold for it. I was prepared for the afternoon spent looking for a Virtual Console controller. I was prepared to buy the extra controller and nunchuk. I was prepared for the sore muscles after a hardcore Wii Sports session.

I was not prepared to become a video game dork.

I still need controller skins and a carrying case. I picked up my pre-ordered copy of "Cooking Mama: Cook Off!" only to put in another pre-order for "Big Brain Academy."

Upon hearing that the game was available for pre-order, my eyes lit up like a junkie who's just been offered another rock of crack, and I said, "Oh, snap! Lemme get in on that!"

I actually let the nerd at EB Games ramble on and on about new games that are coming out soon, and how "Super Paper Mario" is gonna be the shit, but "Super Smash Brothers" is going to be the ultimate hottest shit ever.

My poor PS2, that I just got in December solely because I just had to have "Guitar Hero," is collecting dust. Meanwhile, Andre and I are fighting over whose turn it is to play "Trauma Center."

This whole Wii thing is a sickness. And I don't care. Because I actually have one and it is the ultimate coolest thing ever and I can't believe that I actually have one but I do.

And it is amazing.

And I am the coolest person that I know, even if that makes me the biggest dork in the world.

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha--ha! (a la Eric Cartman) I have a Wii!

3 1/2 hours till I get to go home and play. For now, back to work.


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