I've made my list...

...and that's about all I've gotten done as far as packing goes.

I hate packing because I always think I'm going to forget something. It's not the end of the world down here because at least there's a 24-hour Walmart about half an hour away. However, very few things are open 24/7 back home in Jersey. At least nothing close to where my parents are - the price to pay for living on the edge of nowhere.

But I have made an extensive list. It's almost 8pm and I have no shortage of things to wash, pack, and prepare before heading out to the airport at 5am. I probably won't sleep tonight and just pass out on the plane.

Grrr....I. Hate. Packing.

And Chez Target closes at 11, so I have to determine my purchasing needs and make it over there no later than 10, which is 2 hours from now. But do I start my laundry first and then go to Target, or do I wait to see what clothes I need to buy (mainly socks, for they all seem to have disappeared now that I no longer wear them), buy them, and then get them washed when I get back?

Must return DVDs of Big Love before I leave and try really really hard not to rent one more. But I only have 3 episodes left to watch, so I could easily go pick up the last disc and watch it tonight. Then I'll be all caught up and ready for season 3. *sigh* I was trying to cut down on all of my shows, but I keep picking up new ones. It's ok. I'll count the acquisition of Big Love as filling the hole that will soon be left by Dirty Sexy Money. Even though Big Love is way better. If anything, it will help tide me over till True Blood starts back up in the summer. And football is almost over (Go Giants!) so there will be more time on Sundays for tv.

Ok, ok, ok! I will stop stalling and go pull out my suitcase and start packing!

BTDubs, I have officially reached my Warm Fuzzy Feeling phase of the Christmas season. Probably because I know that I will be at home this time tomorrow. I couldn't stop smiling all day at work.

Yea, yeah, I'm going now.

Next dispatch will transmit from home!


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