TIme goes by...so slowly...

...as I quote Madonna, who sampled ABBA, who spawned Mamma Mia, which is playing again in the store to celebrate the release of the DVD.

The natives are not pleased.

Simply because we had to listen to that CD (the movie soundtrack, mind you, not the B'Way version) for 6 weeks straight this summer.

That's an average of twice during an eight hour shift, five days a week, for six. effing. weeks.

And it's baaaaaaaack!

Except now, instead of endlessly bitching about how much we all hate this CD, we have submitted to singing along with it.

You have not seen true nuttiness until you have seen a bunch of bookstore employees singing along to ABBA out loud while putting books away.

In other news, I am soooooooo close to Jersey that I can almost sme- wait a minute- I was about to give any Jersey haters a good avenue for a really lame joke right there. I am so close to home I can already see all the cat fur on my stuff! Actually, I still find random strands of kitty fur on my old sweaters that I pull out simply because I'm going home.

::squeeeeeeeee:: Yay home! Yay Christmas! Boo air travel!

Once again I will not be flying on my carrier of choice, JetBlue, because they decided to get all expensive and crap. Instead, I will be flying our state airline, Continental.

(I call Continental Jersey's official state airline because they have a hub at EWR, so that's pretty much the cheapest way to get in and out of the state by airplane.)

Sigh. I miss JetBlue. I miss my 100 free DirecTV channels and 36 XM radio channels and leather seats. And I really really miss the Munchie Mix. For some odd reason, it only tastes amazing at 36,000 feet. I bought a bag in the grocery store once, and it just didn't taste the same. ::sniff::

But since I'm broke, I have to fly Continental. It's not a bad airline (I'm looking at you, AirTran. You still suck balls and I will never fly with you again unless I have no other option. Those options include Amtrak, driving, and keeping my ass home). It's just not fun. And the people aren't as nice. And it's not cool. And they don't have free snacks.

They do, however, have a Boeing fleet. I do prefer Boeings to Airbuses...Airbuses make all sorts of interesting noises that freak me out even though they're perfectly normal. Dude, the first time I flew aboard an Airbus, I thought the wings were going to fall off and I would plunge to my death in the English countryside.

...and I have officially revealed my airplane geek side. I have some weird fascination with air travel and airplanes and airlines and all that stuff. I think it stems from wanting to be a flight attendant (I know, the pay is total crap for the first few years) but not being able to because I have ridiculously bad eyesight. If I were to lose my contacts or glasses in an emergency, I would be visually incapable of assisting passengers. Damn. And I have a bad back. And some difficulty with reaching things in the overhead bins.

But I'm really really good at the whole safety speech! If you've ever seen me give a lecture on how Wii Remote straps must be used at all times, you know that I was born to be a flight attendant. I'm also excellent on the two-fingered indication of the emergency exits and floor lighting.


Anyway, just gotta get through tomorrow at work, pack, and then drive to the airport at the arse crack of dawn. Actually, it will be dark. My flight's at 7am, so I have to be at the airport by 5. Yay.

Mamma mia! Here I go again...



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