Today I am...


Restless? Tired? Bored?

Just overall feeling blah. Maybe it's the's icky and grey and "cold" outside. We're so used to constant sunshine down here that more than one cloudy day throws everyone out of whack for a minute. Kinda like when the sun doesn't shine for two weeks straight in New Jersey. Or that one summer where the weather was 70, damp, and cloudy from Memorial Day till the 4th of July (Summer of '03, if my memory serves me correctly).

Maybe I'm irritated that I was at work for most of the time that my parents were visiting for Thanksgiving.

Maybe I'm confused about a possible reaction to something I said out of true concern for someone that was misinterpreted somehow. (Wish I could go into detail, but since it would involve airing out someone else's issues, I can't. Most likely you're not the involved party, but I still have to cover my ass - you never know who actually reads this thing...but if you're really worried, drop me a line and I'll explain.)

Maybe I'm anxious about the months ahead and what news they might bring (no comment).

Maybe I'm homesick and looking forward to being back in NJ for Christmas...a whole year without decent pizza, sub sandwiches, Chinese food or diner sessions is way too long.

It's been 18 months since I've been to NYC and I think I might actually be losing my mind.

Maybe I'm just enjoying a good emo session. Wah wah wah. I'm wearing black today and I'll sit in my office and sulk because the world is so hopeless and the sky is grey and I just want to be emo today.


Can't get down with the emo. Not for long, at least.

Suffice it to say, I am in my usual state of pre-holiday unrest that is usually cured by some type of Christmas miracle or attack of the warm fuzzies (or whatever it is that one feels after watching A Charlie Brown Christmas). Said pre-holiday unrest has been aggravated by the horrible story about the Walmart employee trampled to death on Black Friday and the inexplicable decision by someone in my store to play the Kidz Bop Christmas CD.

And as someone who has been subjected to some of the most aurally offensive renditions of beloved Christmas songs during my never-ending stints in retail, trust me when I say that the Kidz Bop Christmas CD is the true work of some evil entity that wants people to either rip out their ear drums with crochet hooks or destroy a perfectly good microwave by nuking the CD.

It is seriously that bad.

*Sigh* Must go get some lunch. Ham and cheese empanadas+extra shots of cafe con leche+trademark vanilla latte=a not so happy stomach that refuses to be placated with a couple of Pepto Bismol chewables.

To borrow from some old dead white dude, "Now is the afternoon of my stomach's discontent."



Anonymous said…
WOW!! sounds like you have a whole bunch of shit going on. Hit me up. we should go to a bar somewhere, sometime and talk about it.

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