Back to our regularly scheduled programing...

I know I shouldn't get back into my usual ranting and raving so soon after such an amazing historical event. I know this. But there's something I need to rant about.

I do not want to have to be subjected to the Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice crossover episode happening in two weeks. It's bad enough that we're only 2 weeks in from the holiday break. You mean that not only do I have to wait 2 weeks for my next episode of Grey's, but I have to deal with Private Practice on top of it?!?

Dude. Seriously. I have been hooked on Grey's Anatomy since the very first episode. I stuck with it through thick and thin. Even when the show was at its worst, I kept watching. I admit it. I like the show. Even though the whole Gizzie disaster was something we never need to talk about again, they did a horrible (almost cartoonish) characterization of someone with Asperger's, Meredith tried to kill herself, the Chief had a brain tumor, Erica Hahn disappeared into the night, one of the interns almost killed another during an appendectomy, Addison Montgomery (formerly Shepherd) left for effin' California, McSteamy refused to keep his pants on, and Denny Duquette refuses to leave, I still love the show.

But one of the big things that pissed me off was Addy getting spun off into her own show, Private Practice. The first time that they did a crossover episode was to transition Addy from Seattle Grace to Somewhere in California. What TPTB (the powers that be, in tv speak) didn't realize is that Private Practice sucks and has sucked since day one. In that crossover ep, all of the Seattle Grace scenes were interesting, and all of the Cali scenes were not. And Addison Montgomery was one of my favorite characters on Grey's!

Let me tell you how much I do not like Private Practice. I loathe that show so much that not even the presence of the majorly majorly hott Taye Diggs can convince me to be interested in the show. And Taye Diggs is seriously one of the best pieces of eye candy on primetime tv right now.

Right. Heart Grey's, hate PP. Moving on.

TPTB refuse to believe that no one gives two flying hootenannies about Private Practice. So they move the show to Thursdays at 10, giving it the lead-in audience from Grey's. I guess they weren't sure if the ratings were going to do well enough, so they had Shonda and Co. write another crossover ep to ram down our throats and brainwash us into liking that dumb show.

Well, ABC, I'm not buying that crap.

I'm pissed off. Pissed off!

You want my advice, ABC? Axe Private Practice so Shonda Rhimes can go back to Grey's Anatomy full time and bring Addison back to the show. Immediately.

Fix. It. Fix it!

(P.S. I'm still going to watch Grey's Anatomy because I'm hooked, but I refuse to watch a single standalone ep of Private Practice. I'm not going to bow to your will.)


Now that I got that out of my system, I can proceed with my fresh episode of ER.


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