It has begun...

Work today started like any other day. Morning meeting, got my latte, picked out books for story time.

Of course, I was none too pleased about having to read to the little ones today. I never am, although I've accepted the fact that they're just too young for Dr. Seuss.

But today, I got through it as quickly as I could. I had a date with history.

By 12pm on the dot I was running back to my office, where I had (and still have) a live streaming feed from CNN on the computer, and got back in time for the main event. I make the mistake of answering the phone and dealing with some business, so I missed most of the oath. But I fell into my chair on the words "so help me God."

Barack Obama is officially our president.

I watched his address to us. To the country and the world. And I felt something that I haven't felt in a long time, if ever -

- true love for my country.

Don't get me wrong. I've said before and I'll make it clear again that I have always felt lucky to be an American. There is no place else on Earth like this country, and I have always understood what a privilege it is to have the freedom that I do as a citizen, just because I was born here.

Of course, with all of the privilege and freedom that comes with being an American, there is a history behind us that includes dark days. Nonetheless, this young country has perservered through so much. And at a time where we know there are more dark days ahead of us, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

I believe President Obama when he said that we will come through this. Now is the time for all of us to renew our faith in the spirit of America. What's the spirit of America? It's hard to explain. But to me, it's a belief that we can and will survive whatever comes our way, and we'll do it with creativity and pride. Look at how far this country has come in such a short span of time. There is so much that has been accomplished, and so much left to do, but we will do it.

Obviously, the fact that President Obama is black is an epic example of how far we've come as a country. But the bigger deal, the bigger picture, is that he was elected by a huge majority of American voters. Not just black people, but people from every walk of life that makes up this country and makes it what it is. We, the people, did this. Yes, we did.

I'm filled with pride today. Pride in my country, pride for my people.

It's a new day, America. Let's do this right.

In the words of Rev. Lowery, whose benediction was actually my favorite part of the ceremony, "Let all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen."



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