Ooooooh, you're in trouble...

...that's what I'm saying to Wall Street.

Can we give some props to President Obama for calling out those a-holes on Wall Street who paid themselves, what was it, $20 billion in bonuses in 2008?

They drove the economy straight into the shitter, and they got $20 billion for it?

$20 billion for putting people out of work and out of their homes and effing up finances worldwide.

Dude, I'd love to get some of that money. I'd love for someone to pay me a shit ton of money to create a global economic crisis of epic proportions.

But back to the President.

He called those banks out on their shady ways. Called them "shameful," and told all of us just what they did. President Obama (will I ever get tired of hearing that...nope) said that "there will be a time for them to make profits, and there will be time for them to get bonuses -- now is not that time."

You hear that, Wall Street? Now is not the time to rake in tons of cash for yourselves and buy brandy-new corporate jets while your own damn banks are essentially going down in flames.

The President ain't having it, and We The People ain't having it either. Smackdown orally delivered, point to President Obama.

Oh, and Wall Street? Free up the effing money. You don't get to take $350 billion of our hard earned money just to hold on to it and not help us out. You can't take our money with one hand and use the other hand to jack up our interest rates, cut our credit limits, keep us from buying homes and/or starting businesses, keep us from going to college, or buying needed cars. Get that money flowing tout de suite.

Besides, you've already been warned that you're in trouble. Do you want to test us? We have an advocate and a voice now, and our mouthpiece just happens to be the leader of the free world. Listen up, bitches, 'cause I'm gonna say it one more time:

The President ain't having it, and We The People ain't having it either.

Now stop whining about your stupid jets and get to work.


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