
Showing posts from May, 2009

Anthropomorphosizing the weather

I'm supposed to be doing laundry and/or finishing my book, but I had to jot this down. Up here in Jersey we have had some downright miserable weather. At least, it's miserable to me, as I'm still adjusting to Northeast weather. (I miss the Ft. Lauderdale sun and heat as much as I hated it when I actually lived there. Go figure.) Towards the end of April, we had this gloriously beautiful weekend. Sunshine and temps in the 90's, and just awesome (except for all of the allergies are back with a vengeance). And while I thought it was awesome, a lot of people were a bit overwhelmed by the sudden jump in temperature and constant sunshine from sunup to sundown. After 3 glorious days, the temps fell back down, the clouds rolled back in, and the rain poured. And poured. And fell and showered and sprinkled and spat and drizzled and misted. If the clouds managed to clear up, the wind kept the weather chilly. The sun may have shone, but not for long. This is miserable, ...

Epic Music Project Update

Just over a month into the project, and I'm on shelf 3 of approximately 15 shelves of CDs. Each "shelf" holds approximately 15 CDs, so that makes roughly...225 discs to get through total. Yesterday I finished up with the B's (Carla Bruni, current First Lady of France - I scored the disc for free from the Neighborhood Bookstore) and started with the C's (a 3 disc Cake marathon, Tevin Campbell in the player now, and Mariah Carey on deck). So far, the project's been pretty fun. If you check out the sidebar on this page, you'll see my list of my favorites, which I'll add to as I progress through the collection. My criteria for making the list is pretty much any CD that I get really excited about hearing, I know almost all the words to, and is a complete listening experience from beginning to end. I already know some of the albums that are going to end up on the list, but I won't add them till they've actually been heard again. The tough part about ...