ok, here's a reason why i am one of the most pathetic people on the face of the earth. i have one of the biggest crushes on a pop star. now don't fear dearies, i'm not drooling over some n*sync guy. oh no. my tastes are much more refined. a bit foreign, if you will. so who am i talking about? craig david. he's this up and coming british pop star who released his album here in the US a few months ago. and he's soooooo hot. i mean really hot. i mean, this guy is so gorgeous that i've completely forgotten about lenny kravitz. and i used to be all about lenny. he's practically forty and i wanted to have his babies. but i'm done with him. it's all about craig now. he's hot, he has a sexy accent, he's hot, he can sing, he's hot, he's 20, and did i forget to mention that he's so incredibly amazingly gorgeously hot?!? *sigh* my roomate thinks i'm nutty. i think i might have to agree with her. see, i have this little shrine to all of my boys on the side of my dresser. i've got 2 pictures of me and two of my favorite boys, an essay about why gay guys make great friends, and a bunch of little pieces of paper that have the names of all of my boys. "my boys" are all of my close guy friends and my 3 celebrity crushes. so anyway, every now and then, i'll kiss my hand and touch all of the name of my boys, kinda like kissing them goodnight. it's like my way of staying connected to them. so after seeing craig david on the jay leno show, i kissed his name. like actually kissed it. and then i apologized to lenny. my roomate witnessed the whole thing. she's pretty sure i'm mental. i think so too. so now i'm a kid with a major princess complex and a serious crush on a pop star that she doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell with. oh well. i can just keep keep thinking that i will have him someday because i'm the princess, dammit. *hanging head in shame* i really need to get out more. well, this one's another short one, i gotta get to bed. and i'll be dreaming of craig. *sigh* g'nite y'all.
With the brokeness...
That's how I'm rollin' right now. With the brokeness. Thank god for ramen noodles and chicken nuggets. Just finished spending my paycheck before I've even gotten it...on bills. ::sigh:: But there are happy things to look forward to! Andre is coming down to visit tomorrow because he's a lucky bastard who gets a 5 day weekend thanks to teachers' convention and Veterans' Day. But I guess I'm really the lucky one because I get to see him for a few days. And yesterday I got a call from another one of my awesome friends in Chicago who wants to come visit in December. Between that and the fact that the weather has turned absolutely gorgeous, I'm starting to see a few of the benefits of living down here in Florida. Except for the fact that I'm broke all the time. But then again, how many of you can say that you went to the beach last weekend? That's what I thought. So there. Ok...have to finish cleaning and then I have to put gas in my car (thank god...