I wish...

I wish that I would get back into writing again. Like poetry and stuff. All through school, from 7th grade till last year, I was always writing something. But I barely even think about it now.

Maybe it's from lack of inspiration. Or the result of a broken spirit. The summer I spent at the Evil Place was definitely enough to break anyone's spirit. Or maybe I'm just too lazy. Or maybe I've been so focused on other things that there's no room for poetry. I can feel that part of my brain just lying dormant. It seems like every once in a while it tries to wake up. But then more important things like Get A Job and Do Something With Your Life take over. *sigh*

I stopped by the toy store today. I had actually been avoiding the place for a while...I wasn't interested in discussing why I have not relinquished my keys. But I was in the mall to buy a birthday card for my dad and I accidentally walked past the store and I thought that one of the managers saw me. Crap. Then I had to decide if I was actually seen, and if I was, was I going to make the official snub or stop in and say hi. I figured it would be best to keep the bridge intact.

I found out that I was not the only person screwed over there. The last assistant manager remaining after Christmas (I was laid off and the other manager started college) was let go about a month ago. Not only that, but the most senior employee in the store, with a whopping 15 years of full-time service under her belt, was downgraded to part-time status.

If you work retail, you know what that means:

No benefits.

15 years, and they cut her benefits. I know that that's how Corporate America works these days, but that's just unfair! I was floored when I found out. When she gets a job somewhere else, the managers aren't going to know what to do with themselves. I'd love to see them find someone who can work days for only $6.25 an hour. 'Cause that's what they're going to start someone at. That's what my pay was bumped down to after Christmas, right before they stopped putting me on the schedule.

It's a damn shame. And saying that is an understatement.

Well, I should try to get some sleep. Even though I'm not really sleepy. But it is 2am. I should be in bed.


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