On style and professionalism...

I went shopping with my mom for a hot minute so I could find more suitable things to wear to job interviews. Needless to say, it was a crucial outing. I only have one business suit, and it's so awesome that I should only save it for final interviews. I had to wear it earlier this week, finding out that it would only be the second out of a total of four interviews.


This is not the frickin Miss America pageant. I'm just trying to get a job.

I digress.

The difficulty in shopping with my mom is that we have conflicting views on what I should wear. Yes, I know I have to be conservative. But that doesn't mean I have to dress like I'm 50. I told my mom that, quickly adding that I meant no offense. By the way, I did not just tell you how old she is ::Jedi mind trick::

But somewhere along the way in our 45 minutes of futility at Kohl's, I realized that I just have to be über conservative for the interviews. Once I've got the job, I can wear whatever the hell I want, provided that it fits within the dress code.

Now comes the tricky part: showing my mom that I realized that she's right without coming right out and saying, "Gee Mom, you were right! Again!"
Don't you just hate it how mothers are usually right? Like 99.9% of the time. Drives me nuts.

I can't wait to have that kind of power.


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