....and finally, she was able to post her thought on the screen before her. After 2 days of wrestling with the ethernet here at school, i was finally able to get this thing to work.
As i was walking home from the bus stop this afternoon, i realized just how happy i am to finally be back at school. i saw how everyone has gotten older, and i thought that i hadn't. but after thinking about it, i realized just how much i've grown up too. i'm finally here to learn and grow and change my life rather than make each day a party. sometimes, growing up sucks. i mean, you spend all of your life wanting to be grown up, and when you finally do, everything becomes sucky and stressful. dammit.
But on the other hand, growing up has become such a cool thing to do. now that i've gotten over being independent of my parents (sort of), i've seen how i've been growing and changing (just like a little butterfly....awwwww....). but enough of this oversentimental bullshite. a while ago, i wrote this cool poem and i want to share it so here goes.
does he wander in sadness?/ or is there method to his madness?/ the lone ant that traces/ circular patterns on his own/ is he making himself dizzy/ or is he simply keeping busy/ trying to find the path that leads him home/ doesn't anybody hear him/ as he travels in delirium/ calling to the nest/ he loves so dear/ maybe he's been stranded/ or possibly even branded/ sent out to try and face/ his only fear

*snap snap snap snap* thank you, thank you (curtseying in mock humility) expect more from my fragile little mind in the future, but for now i must leave you all till later


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