The Aftermath of Black Friday

Once again, I awoke in the middle of the night and drove to the mall in the pitch blackness to prepare for the apocalypse also known as Black Friday.
(Fade in "O Fortuna" from Carmina Burana)
The hordes of bargain hungry shoppers gathered in front of the store in the pre-dawn, their breath steaming in the light of the nearly full moon that still hung in the sky. The unnatural-ness of it all felt like some bizarre dream as soccer moms traded game plans and sucked down their coffee.
The employees snuck in the back door of the store. Each in his or her own state of sleepiness, they stumbled to their positions while the managers frantically made the final set-ups for the day. As the clock ticked down to that crucial moment, the air hummed with anticipation.




Somewhere in the distance a trumpeter sounded the call to arms as the mass of people swarmed the store. It had begun.

Ok, so it really wasn't nearly that poetic or horrifying or anything of that sort. But I was at that store from 4:30am to 6:00pm and I was ready to murder people by 10am. And it wasn't the customers. I had two of THE WORST CASHIERS EVER behind that counter yesterday. We did over 2000 dollars in returns yesterday because of those two. I was so distraught by the end of the day that I kept calling them Tweedle-Dumb and Tweedle-F'ing-Dumber when I was in the office. I had poor little 16 year old stock kids afraid to ask me questions because they feared my wrath. It was disastrous. I finally got home and relaxed and went to bed. And that was my 6th Black Friday.

Today I just feel like poop. I'm exhausted and I wouldn't have even left the house except that I had to return a movie and then go to the bank. All before 12. I was even too exhausted to go with my parents to get the Christmas tree. Plus, my sister didn't go, which was my whole reason for wanting to go in the first place.

So now I've successfully paid 2 out of my three bills that I needed to pay, and that's about it. I'm too tired to do anything else. I'm even too tired to play Game Cube. Maybe. I had intended on cleaning my room today, but I doubt that's even going to happen. *Sigh*

Already Thanksgiving is over and there's so much to do. I have to get my Christmas shopping done, I need to keep my eye out for jobs, and I have a Rutgers-Christmas to plan.

Rutgers-Christmas is the annual X-mas thing that Andre, Liz, and I plan. We all get together and exchange gifts, but we also invite lots of friends over and there's lots of food and drink and everyone just has fun. It's a warm fuzzy event/tradition that we intend to continue for a long time. This year is going to be tough because Andre doesn't have a campus apartment and Liz lives at her frat house. We'll most likely be at the House (the frat), but it doesn't matter where we are. That's the beauty of Rutgers-Christmas!

Before I get overly sentimental and start off with the beginnings of a horrible made-for-tv movie, I shall depart. More to come soon about the holiday joys of the toy store, my new city gig, and my affliction with college withdrawal.


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