random thoughts

Ok. Random thoughts and such from the past few days:

-"Category 6: Day of Destruction." Worst. November. Sweeps. Event. EVER. All parties involved should be shot immediately for creating such garbage. But then again, it was on CBS. How can a network boast 3 CSI's and Survivor but then air "Day of Destruction?" Craptacular, my friends. Be glad you missed it.

-K Mart bought Sears. That is not a type-o. Wonderful. Not like I haven't shopped in Sears since, oh, 1995. But now that they're owned by K Mart, I'll never shop for clothes there.

-By the way, I've decided to personally boycott WalMart. It truly is the Evil Empire, and I shall do my part to not support it.

-Why aren't people making a bigger deal out of Anna Nicole Smith's American Music Awards disaster? Apparently it's ok to let kids watch someone talk for 2 minutes on national television when she's obviously on drugs, but the world is coming to an end if the kids see a half second boob. Honestly.

-Seasonal Assistant Manager=underpaid babysitter of whining high school brats and personal shopper to clueless grandparents who should not have driven to the mall on their own. Also means: sounding board for increasingly neurotic manager who's about to get fired if she doesn't get her head straight. Additional duties include forging mall parking passes. Fun fun fun.

-Game Cube rocks my world.

-Cingular Wireless' customer service call center is located in Alabama. Did you know that (according to a British study) the average IQ in Alabama is 90. That's not a good thing, especially when you're trying to get your text messaging fixed.

-In other news, I only have 2 1/2 months left on my wireless contract and I can't wait to switch.

-Thanksgiving is a week away. Part of my brain still thinks that it's summer. How?

-No school=summer. School=Fall, winter, spring. Hence, part of my brain still considers this time of my life to be summer.

-We're not going to have any big snowstorms for a looong time. Why?

-My dad bought a snowblower that could double as a go-kart.

Well, those are my random thoughts and opinions for now. Happy Turkey Day if I don't blog before then.

And if you're deep frying your turkey, for the love of Pete, do it outside. And keep a fire extinguisher handy. And no beer until after dinner. Have fun!!


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