Frogger Man update

yeah, so the guy who I said was too stupid to have bought the frogger games for his house really was too stupid for them. He forgot to put the batteries in the damn things.

I repeat: he never installed the friggin batteries.

I even asked him yesterday if he put the batteries in and was the little red light on. Twice.


Bought The Sims and a used memory card for the Cube today. I even got a discount card that allows me to save 10% on all used games and accessories for my Game Cube. I was so happy to find out that I can save even more money! That just motivates me to spend more. I spied a copy of Simpsons Road Rage that is now on my list of games to own.

Hee hee. I think I'm creating a monster.

Speaking of creating monsters (otherwise known as most abstract segue ever), I'm not too happy with Eminem's forthcoming album.

Ok. I just have to explain the segue because I thought it was so genius. The first words of the Eminem song "Without Me" are, "I've created a monster..." Hence, that's what made me go from my Game Cube to Eminem. And as always, I digress.

As I was saying, I think his new album is going to suck. That's rather sad for me because I've always found comfort in listening to his music. At least in listening to his 2nd and 3rd albums, because those are the ones I own.
The Marshall Mathers LP came out right when I made the decision to go to Rutgers instead of Syracuse or Ithaca. I was so upset that I was going to Rutgers despite the fact that they gave me this ridiculously amazing scholarship. I was coming home from work (at the toy store; surprise, surprise) on that same day that I found out, and I was so distressed and this song comes on the radio. It was "The Real Slim Shady." There was something about that song that made me feel better. Maybe it was the whole idea of that there really was "a Slim Shady in all of us." Maybe it was just the attitude behind his words. But the song spoke to me and I bought the album.
Suddenly, it was ok for me to be angry at what life had dealt me. (In retrospect, I was acting like a spoiled brat, but I was only 17. Work with me here.) I could listen to that cd and scream along with Eminem and tell the whole world to fuck off. It was theraputic. When "The Eminem Show" came out, I was stuck at home for the summer after 2 years of school. I had crappy jobs, I was taking summer classes, and life just sucked. Once again, I let the anger out through the music. It was a beautiful thing.

So I saw Eminem the other week on SNL. Dude, it sucked. His supposed party hit "Just Lose It," sounds like it's trying to be all that "Real Slim Shady" and "Without Me" are. And it's sad. I hate it when artists make those burn-off albums to get out of their contracts or just to make some more money for whatever reason. Cases in point:

Missy Elliott: This Is Not A Test
R. Kelly: Happy People/You Saved Me
Janet Jackson: Damita Jo
Michael Jackson: Number Ones (c'mon, the HiStory album is all the definitive Michael-post J5 collection that we need)

And I know there are plenty more. These albums just popped into my head as I sit here blogging away about pointless crap. I actually like Missy and Janet and Michael's stuff. And as sick as R. Kelly is, "Chocolate Factory" is a damn good album. But I only recently admitted it when my sister pointed out to me that I have danced to just about every song on that album in a club or at a party somewhere without thinking twice.

And now I'm getting into the run-on sentences, so it is now time to depart. My Game Cube is calling.


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