a new day, a new blog

I feel old. Then again, it's easy to feel old when you work with high school kids. And yes, I refer to them as "the kids." Just like my Shoestring babies, except I make no claim to these lazy kids that work at the store.

A good majority of them are football players. One of them came in today and was trying to figure out why his last time punch was at 5 something at night when he left at 10 that evening. I told him it was because he forgot to punch out. But he still kept trying to figure it out. I told him to stop thinking before he hurt himself.

Wow, I can really be mean sometimes.

We laughed at a person who asked if there was a dollar store in the mall. Like seriously laughed out loud at her. That was kinda mean too, but if you knew my mall, you'd know that hell would have to freeze over before they put a dollar store in it.

I also played tech support for a guy who was too fucking stupid to have bought the Frogger games for his house. There are these new games that have all the old Atari and Intellivision games. They hook directly into your TV or VCR. It's not fucking rocket science. I eventually told the guy to keep mesing around with it and then call the 800 number on the box. If he tries to return them, I hope I'm not there because I will deny the return. And create a scene. It's his own fault he's too stupid to own the games. It's not my problem.

Didn't go out w/ Andre last night, but we're going out tonight. Why I felt like announcing this, I don't know.

My thumbs are itchy. They need some Donkey Konga goodness.

If you're looking to laugh a bit, I give you Ponderings of A Princess' Greatest Hits:

July 16, 2004: I Know What Boys Like...- A self deprecating account of my adventure at Six Flags earlier this year.
June 3, 2002: Untitled- A not so self deprecating tale that nonetheless points out one of my not so brilliant moments. The story of how my dear departed goldfish survived his first month with me. 'Tis truly sad that he had to die at the hands of a ghetto monster (see November 9, 2002).

Bon appetit! And I shall continue blogging until I eventually say something profound. Which happens at least once every three blogs. I think.


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