Noooo....I don't want Sunday to be over!!

I don't know where my weekend went.

Well, I know where it went, but I don't know why it's over so soon.

Scheduled my GRE test. It's soon. Very very soon.

NYU app is due this Wednesday and my personal statement is currently nothing more than a few paragraphs that have nothing to do with each other. And I forgot that I have to send a check with that...grrr, I hate paying rent.

I'm trying to remember if I actually did a blog where I explained what I planned to do with my degree (which looks like less and less of a possibility every day). I don't think I did.

I don't write well under pressure...I wish I just had to go in for an interview and let that be it. I'm so much better and verbally explaining what I want to do as opposed to writing it. And I'm not a bad writer. You wouldn't know that from reading this, though. I usually let most rules of grammar and coherent thought fly out the window and I laugh in the face of proofreading and spell check.

Why do all that editing when I'm just talking about the randomness of my days?

Anyway, no snippets of statement ideas can be found in the blog since my decision
to go to grad school.

I'm fucked. I'm totally fucked.


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