Ok then...

Monday morning is here, the sun is shining (mostly), and I am sitting in my room (still in bed!) doing nothing but my usual boring internet stuff. I know I need to be more productive today. Especially when I busted out the lappy so I could do one productive thing, and I was immediately sidetracked by everything else that I usually do.

Yay for Internet ADD.

*Pausing so I can actually do my one productive bit of business before I forget.*

Productive bit of business is over, proving both good and bad things for me. Since I don't have to go to New Brunswick today, I officially have nothing to do. That is bad, since I will now be motivated to do absolutely nothing.

The good thing is that I do need a break. Also, since I have nothing on my agenda for the day, I should clean my room and do my laundry. We'll see what actually happens today.

New Year's Eve...started off great, ended extremely shitty, and I won't be going back to the frat for a loooong time, if ever. I'll just leave it at that.

New Year's Day...not hungover at all, just hungry and tired. Called my sister, which ended up being the biggest mistake in the world. She will be lucky if I take her out for her 21st birthday. In fact, she'll be lucky if I don't kill her later this week. And I'll leave that at that.

I need to go put a check in the bank. I should go grocery shopping. I should eat some food first...but there's really nothing to eat here. Lots of booze (thanks to the holidays), but not a lot of food.

*sigh* ah, the glories of an unwanted vacation. Maybe I'll just stay in bed, still angry at the world (or two people, same difference), and watch Forrest Gump.

So late in the morning, but the day is still full of possibilities....


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