Reruns suck...

So today is pretty much a rerun of last Monday. Been in bed all day (thanks to the computer), my room is still a mess, my laundry still hasn't been done. And since my next temp gig (provided that I actually get the job) won't start until the 23rd, I am also now pretty much housebound in an attempt to spend as little money as possible for the next few weeks or so.

There goes doing something spectacularly cool for my birthday.


(It's not like I had any good ideas either, which is pretty sad in itself.)

Referring back to today's title, how upset was I that Grey's Anatomy was a clip show last night?!? Grrr....

And that's about it. Nothing really interesting to report, no random poetry. Yup, just a rerun of last Monday.

Off to attempt something else productive before actually doing my one Real Thing to Do today.


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