Not much to report...

Yup, life has been boring as usual and not much has been going on. Sorry!

But I thought I'd just check in so things don't get too dusty around here.

Hmm...I wonder where my iPod headphones went. They disappeared a few months ago.

I finally made room for my printer on my desk. My dad needs my old iMac for a few days so he can get the information off of his iMac that up and died earlier this week. As soon as I get it back, I'm wiping the hard drive and taking it to the eBay store. If I don't get rid of it soon, I never will. And I don't want to start my own dead technology museum.

In other news...copious amounts of drinking will be commencing tomorrow night in early celebration of my birthday. I have to be at work at 10am on Saturday, which sucks, but hey! It's my birthday...almost. Right now there's only 4 days, 13 hours and 56 minutes till I turn 23. That's kinda scary. (BTW, the countdown comes courtesy of one of my many Widgets...something only Mac people will understand.) I must say that I have been rather blah about my birthday so far. I mean, it's just another day this time. Which is kinda sad...getting to the point where your birthday is just another day as opposed to you very own big special day where everyone has to be nice to you and everything gets to go your way.

Oh well.

Off to go do some application stuff and then maybe play with the scanner. And then I might watch the 3 hours of TV goodness I recorded on our new DVR while watching Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion.

Which, by the way, was a helluva lot funnier when it first came out than it was tonight.


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