An Unexpected Vacation

So this week has consisted of doing not a lot of stuff at all. (That was a horrible sentence.) My temp gig at the engineering firm ended last Friday, and the agency hasn't found me another job yet. Hence, I have been sitting around the house all week. Part of me is enjoying the break. The other part of me is read to get back to work before I go broke and insane at the same time.

I began a half assed attempt to clean my room yesterday. While it's more maneuverable now than it was before, it's still a mess. I also started some laundry...successfully completing one load of underwear and one set of sheets.

I also came up with a list of things to do today before work if I can convince myself to take a shower and get dressed.

1) Return jeans to Delia*s. The size 0's looked cute but were too small, so I bought the 1/2's. Logical enough. Imagine my horror when I was getting dressed on New Year's Eve and realized that the correctly fitting jeans also looked absolutely wretched. So back to the store they go.

2) Pick up mug at pottery store in Red Bank. I went and painted a mug with Liz and Rich (her boyfriend) on the day after Christmas, but I still have to pick up the finished (glazed and fired) product.

3) Inquire at eBay store about selling (gulp) my old iMac.

(sorry, I just have to take a second...the thought of giving my baby up is really hard)

4) Go to Target and exchange my West Side Story DVD. It started skipping for the last half hour of the movie, and ruined one of my most favorite cinematic moments of all time. You know, "How do you fire this gun, Chino? Just by pulling THE TRIGGER?!?"

Yep, I can get that all done and still be home in enough time to get ready for work - if I motivate my behind and get movin' now. And since I had originally planned to do all this stuff yesterday, I should really get a move on.

Oh yeah, on a side note, karaoke rocks. I belted out "Goodbye Earl" by the Dixie Chicks and it was one of my best performances to date. I hadn't even planned on singing last night, but the DJ practically twisted my arm.

(When in reality, I really am just a drama queen who loves getting the attention even in the most apathetic karaoke setting in the world.)

Out like a fat kid in dodgeball...


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