By The Way... I the only one who's pissed off at the new JC Penney commercial that's a badly attempted homage to "The Breakfast Club," aka One Of The Greatest Eighties Movies EVER?

I just saw it again and my eye was twitching. The first time I saw it, I almost threw the remote at the television, which is a serious reaction. Previously, only Kristy Lee Cook from American Idol was the only thing that almost caused me to destroy a thousand dollar television set.

I digress.

The commercial pisses me off because it failed to capture the awesome angsty-ness that made TBC what it was. The movie was awesome. The commercial tried to use it to market cheap crappy clothing to a bunch of kids who have no true respect for what the movie was all about. The kids in the commercial weren't even alive when the movie was released, for crying out loud!!!!

Sorry, I just had to get that off of my chest. JC Penney, you are on notice.

Oh wait..I can't even remember the last time I shopped at JC Penney. So there.

P.S. I mentioned your store three times, so you owe me money. So there. Again.


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