Internet = Awesome!!!

So I'm double posting today, but I just had to share this.

I finally understand why it's important to have a top of the line computer with the fast processors and the cable internet access (that's bleeding us dry as part of the cable bill but soooo worth it).

I was just watching the Chinese women's gymnastics team in their first official practice online. Live. From China. In nearly perfect resolution.

I shit thee not.

Yo, NBC has the illest hookup going on with this whole internet thing! You can actually watch up to 4 different events at the same time with their viewer. And it's all Mac friendly!!!!

Omfg the Olympics are so totally kick-ass right now. And now I'm trying to calculate how many hours of sleep I really need tonight...the US team starts their practice at 1:30am. Which is 1:30pm in Bejing. Fortunately they're exactly 12 hours ahead of the East Coast, so that makes it easier to figure out exactly what time it is here and there and all that good crap.


Exciting, exciting, exciting!!!!

Ok, back to the commentary free Olympic footage and the awesomness that is my computer that I'm still paying for but I don't care 'cause it's worth it!!!

P.S. Apologies for the rampant endorsement of the awesome work that NBC has done so far. They aren't paying me a cent, I promise. But if anyone out there would like to send me a check for the props I just gave, please feel free. Oh, and I'm still waiting on a check from the shoutouts I gave to the American Gladiators revival, so y'all can just mail the checks at the same time, aight? Kthxbai!


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