More countdowns...

Ok, first big countdown. 90 days (yup, only 3 months) till Election Day.

I know I've taken a bit of a break from the political blogging, but I'm reminding you all now that this upcoming election is massive. Huge. An election of epic proportions that no one can afford to just stand by and watch. You. Must. Vote.

And although I've already endorsed Barack Obama, I don't care who you vote for, as long as you vote. Granted, I'd request that you get your head checked it you voted McCain, but I'd give you your props for going to the polls. Additionally, I will do my best to keep from calling you all sorts of nasty names 2 years from now when everything really has gone to shit because McCain became president (provided that he doesn't croak on Inaguration Day, which is what I'd bet good money on).

Political party affiliations aside, it's really really really of the utmost and paramountly extreme importance that you get out there and vote on Election Day. 90 days from now. Not registered yet? You're in luck: there's still time to get on the rolls before the big day. Go to Rock the Vote to get registered or get the info you need to get registered. Or go to your local library, city hall, DMV (or MVC in New Jersey), or whatever other place you can find to get what you need to vote. As a matter of fact, go to Rock the Vote right now and take a minute to fill out the info and get registered. Then make sure you scrape up the 43 cents or whatever it is to mail in the form. Do it. Now. I'll wait.

Still waiting.

Did you register yet? DO IT NOW, BEEYOTCH!

Good. Thank you.

Moving on, then...

Second countdown: 11 days till school starts down here in South Florida. That's only significant to me because traffic will officially become a royal bitch and I have to slow down to 15mph through the school zone right by my apartment in the mornings. Yes, 15mph. And it's heavily enforced. Not like one has a choice because the ancient crossing guards let the kids cross against the light. I think that teaches the kids that traffic signs are optional, which is the wrong message to send down here. Of course, they're already learning such lessons from their parents. But still, it's wrong and it pisses me off.

Third countdown: 1 day and 13 hours (at time of this current blog) till the Olympics!!!


Are you ready to sing with me?

(Cue kettle drums: Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum...)

Baaah, baaah, ba-ba ba ba ba ba, baa baa baa ba-da-da da da-da-da-da-da duh-duh-duh-duh....

Come on, you know that you know exactly what song that is. Don't even front.

I'm just excited because I missed out on the Sydney Summer Games (thanks to Band Camp and freshman year of college as well as a lack of live coverage) and the Athens Games (thanks to the time I was putting in at The Evil Place), so this will be the first time since 1996 that I'll really be able to dig in and check out the Olympic action.

My fave sports to watch: Women's gymnastics, track and field, swimming and diving, and softball. Oh, and all of the inspirational nationalist propaganda shot by NBC to make us all jump on our couches and scream "USA! USA! USA!" Some of that stuff is priceless.

You know what's even better about this year's Olympics? Provided that the Chinese government doesn't do anything too wacky, we will have access to over 3600 hours of televised and online Olympic content. Equestrian dressage? You got it. Handball? Yep. Taekwondo? Done and done. The sheer awesomeness of it all boggles my fragile little mind.

Aw, yeah...Olympic fever: catch it!

So that's it for the countdowns and whatnot.

Oh, BTDubs, I survived the vampire/werewolf engagement party. Although I never want to have to deal with that many teenage girls EVER again, I survived. And the book? More than what I expected: worse that the first three combined.

Aight, off to go veg, maybe play some Guitar Hero, and then Project Runway later. Must watch it live because there's over 8 hours of Shark Week content clogging the DVR and my sister refuses to actually watch TV so we can delete the shows. Grrrrr.

Peace out.


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