My stomach churneth like the Atlantic...

Am I the only one who's developing serious agita over the situations brewing out in the Atlantic Ocean right now?

Because seriously, this shit is getting ridiculous.

Check out the NHC website.

As of the 11am update we have Gustav royally effing up Jamaica and threatening to make a beeline for New Orleans, and Hannah revving up northeast of the Leewards and planning to turn for Palm Beach County (unless she decides to do something crazy and hit South Florida more directly). Oh, and if you're up in West Virginia right now, you're enjoying rain courtesy of Fay.

Yeah, she's still around...barely.

And I haven't even gotten to the cute little yellow and orange spots that we have to watch out for. Those ones are fun. They turn into bad red spots which then turn into storms with names that we have to watch out for.

This is insane. I don't understand how people can live like this. I don't like having to check the weather three times a day (which is necessary because the weather situation can change dramatically enough in a few short hours).

Gah. This is just so effing ridiculous.

Too pissed/streesed to continue...laters.


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