What the....?!?

Ok, so my plan today was to apologize for bitching and moaning about my whole weather situation when we were merely hours away from yet another Event of Epic Proportions (aka Barack Obama's nomination acceptance speech). I was going to apologize for being short sighted and I was going to admit that I might have even been projecting my anxiety about the evening's approaching event onto the weather because I didn't want to admit that I was secretly peeing my pants a little at the thought of any security breach and disaster following said breach. (Translation: There was a tiny part of me that was - and still is - holding on to the fear that someone might try to shoot Obama.) Then I was going to talk about how awesome the speech was and how everyone at the convention had pulled together and made it clear that we have to vote for Obama and Biden in November. And I was going to applaud Bill and Hilary Clinton for aiding to close the rift in the party. And I was going to marvel at the fact that this was the first time I've ever been interested in a national convention. Then I was going to once again remind you all how immensely important it is for you all to get registered and vote.

But there is a more pressing issue at hand. This is breaking news, direct from the NY Times, checked on CNN, and as of this moment is still accurate. John McCain has selected Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska as his running mate.

Sarah who?!?

My sentiments exactly.

I have never heard of this chick-*ahem*-woman before, not even in passing reports or random news snippets. All I know at this particular moment is that she's against abortion rights and she's for off-shore drilling in Alaska (which leads be to believe that she must really not love her state all that much), and she's wrapped up is all sort of scandals and whistle blowing and god knows what else. But she got picked, and now the GOP has a female candidate for Vice President next to scary old McCain.

This. Is. Huge.

I am taking deep breaths and trying to to hyperventilate, because I am very scared.

While I am confident that Obama/Biden have more than what it takes to lead our country, I know that this is still America and there are tons of ignorant and racist people out there who would rather roll the dice on the Cryptkeeper and someone with less "experience" than Obama than let some new blood get into the WHite House and turn things around.

Think about it this way: If (and when) McCain croaks, do you want Sarah Palin to be your president?

And this has nothing to do with her being a woman. Remember, I was all about Hilary a year ago.

I'm worried about those rogue PUMAs and Clintonistas out there who are so militant that they're not even accepting that both Hilary and Bill have told them that they need to vote for Obama.


Ok. Back to doing what I've been trying to do all year: encouraging you to register and vote.

This time I am so deathly serious that it's not even funny.

If you get pissed off every time you fill up your gas tank, you need to register and vote for someone who wants to free us from foreign oil in ten years.

If you're drowning in medical bills or fearing getting sick because you don't have health insurance, you need to register and vote for someone who wants affordable and comprehensive health care for all Americans.

If you have friends or family who have gone to Iraq, you need and register and vote for someone who wants to bring those soldiers home and responsibly end a sensless war started on false pretenses.

If you have siblings or cousins or children or grandchildren who are attending schools that are broken on the inside and out, you need to register and vote for someone who wants to fix the system and ensure a world class education for all American children.

If you are working multiple jobs and doing all you can to scrimp and save and you still don't know if you'll be able to pay your electric bill or your mortgage or your heating bills and saving money is never an option, you need to register and vote for someone who wants to stop taxing you to death and work to help Americans earn more.

Register and vote for someone who believes that we can benefit from real change.

Register and vote for someone who wants to repair our relationship with the rest of the world.

Register and vote for someone who will work hard to make America great again.

We cannot afford to be complacent. We cannot afford to sit back and say that "someone else" will take care of our job at the polls in a few months. We cannot afford to stick to the status quo.

If you've never cared about politics, that's fine, but you need to care about your future. We have the power to fix the mess that we're in. Stop being an armchair pundit and actually get up and vote!

Register. Vote. Make one small step that going to help us change the world.


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