The 11th Again

It only took me about half an hour or so this morning to remember that today was September 11th. Despite the fact that I had woke up late, had a last minute wardrobe crisis, and was thinking about how a meeting at work would go today, I still remembered.

This morning at work, when my manager announced over the intercom that we were to observe a moment of silence, a strange thing happened.

I actually prayed.

As a person who has considered herself to be spiritual as opposed to religious (when someone asks about my religion, I like to say I'm undecided), I never subscribed to the notion of prayer. But something moved me at that moment...I chose to actually pray.

And it was pretty legitimate too. I guess having preachers in my family helped or something.

So in the spirit of this day of rememberance, I'll share the gist of my prayer with you. My apologies in advance to anyone who may be offended or weirded out. This doesn't mean I'm converting or anything, I'm just sharing in hopes that it helps us all in some way or another as we all work through our various ways of dealing with what happened 7 years ago. Here was what my brain and heart put together earlier today:

God, please be with the families of the victims and survivors today as they continue to grieve for the loved ones lost on September 11th. Be with them as they do their best to heal, and show them that while the lives lost were cut short, they were not lived in vain. Please bless the firefighters and police officers and other servicepeople who fought to save what lives they could, and gave their lives in the process. Please protect the men and women in our armed forces currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan and do what you can to bring them home safely, as their reason for fighting stems from the events of September 11th. And please be with us all and guide us in this election season as we pick our next President. Help us to make the best decision for our future and help us close the divides we have created between ourselves as a result of our politics. Amen.

Like I've said before, it's hardest to be away from home and my adopted city today. I would want nothing more than to take a moment at the bayshore with my friends and observe the lights like we did two years ago. We have all healed in our own time, in our own ways, but we will never, ever forget.


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