Apologies are in order...

...for my comments coloring South Floridians as brain damaged because they weren't at all concerned about the potential threats that we were under (thanks to Gustav, Hanna, Ike, and Josephine). The comments I made were typical of a native and neurotic Tri-Stater, especially one who was in panic mode.

So, to my South Florida readers, I'm sorry. You're not brain damaged. I have finally taken my chill pills and limited my visits to the NHC website to no more than twice a day. Moving on then...

...Facebook addicts around the world hate hate hate the new Facebook and I am one of them.


Fortunately, I found the now-widely-known workaround so I can keep things looking the way that I have grown accustomed to over the years.

Hackers and computer geeks ftw!!



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