dammit....stupid computer strikes again, and a whole bunch of stuff that i had written disappears without you all getting to read it. *sigh* well, it was boring and mundane stuff anyway. so where did i leave off....ok. so i finished my second expos paper last night. added more analysis like she wanted me to, so i had better pass this one. i practically added another page to my paper, so now it's six instead of five. this has been the first time that i've ever easily written a six page paper. i hate writing papers. they are, hands down, the bane of my existence. i mean, yeah, i write all the time. i've been keeping this blog pretty well updated, and i write poetry all the time. but writing papers is different. i'm forced to try and explain what i think some author is trying to say. we analyze literature to death these days. example: last semester inone of my honors classes, i had to write a paper about the "spiritual or quasi-spiritual" quest in the Great Gatsby. spiritual quest? isn't that the biggest load of crap in the world? did Fitzgerald ever tell us that his story was about a spiritual quest? if he did, then great. i just didn't see it. but i get the feeling that we're being forced to find things in a book that the author never intended to be found. why can't we just read the books and appreciate them for the great works of literature that they are? if we didn't focus on analysis so much, maybe the damn books would be more enjoyable to read. then again, this is coming from a girl who managed to graduate high school without reading a single book by Twain, Dickens, Steinbeck, or Hemingway. pretty cool, huh? and i'm turning out just fine, see? well, i must take a shower so i can go to expos and turn in yet another of my best papers i'v ever written. if she fails the next paper, i'm going to throw a fit. and then i'll get a writing tutor. catch y'all on the flip side, dearies.
Struggling between commerce and the greater good...
...is emotionally draining. My current job allows me to work with schools in such a way that I'm beginning to realize yet again that I should be a teacher. To have the ability to work with kids and inspire them to work hard and get ready for the real world...that's something that's of real merit. That's something to truly be proud of. Even only reaching one kid a year out of the 30 or more you may teach...that's one kid that you've inspired to read more or write more or become a scientist or a teacher or the next President. I don't care if you think this sounds cliched...it's the truth. Anyway, now I'm in a position where the things that I really want to do can't be accomplished with the job that I currently have. Frustrating, yes. Surprising, no. Long time readers really know how not surprising this is. But things are ok for now. I'm thinking about lots of stuff and keeping busy at work and focusing on things that will help me keep my sanity...