...is emotionally draining. My current job allows me to work with schools in such a way that I'm beginning to realize yet again that I should be a teacher. To have the ability to work with kids and inspire them to work hard and get ready for the real world...that's something that's of real merit. That's something to truly be proud of. Even only reaching one kid a year out of the 30 or more you may teach...that's one kid that you've inspired to read more or write more or become a scientist or a teacher or the next President. I don't care if you think this sounds cliched...it's the truth. Anyway, now I'm in a position where the things that I really want to do can't be accomplished with the job that I currently have. Frustrating, yes. Surprising, no. Long time readers really know how not surprising this is. But things are ok for now. I'm thinking about lots of stuff and keeping busy at work and focusing on things that will help me keep my sanity...
That's how I'm rollin' right now. With the brokeness. Thank god for ramen noodles and chicken nuggets. Just finished spending my paycheck before I've even gotten it...on bills. ::sigh:: But there are happy things to look forward to! Andre is coming down to visit tomorrow because he's a lucky bastard who gets a 5 day weekend thanks to teachers' convention and Veterans' Day. But I guess I'm really the lucky one because I get to see him for a few days. And yesterday I got a call from another one of my awesome friends in Chicago who wants to come visit in December. Between that and the fact that the weather has turned absolutely gorgeous, I'm starting to see a few of the benefits of living down here in Florida. Except for the fact that I'm broke all the time. But then again, how many of you can say that you went to the beach last weekend? That's what I thought. So there. Ok...have to finish cleaning and then I have to put gas in my car (thank god...
Ha. HA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Omg, that was hilarious. HILARIOUS! Did you read that last post? Jesus TF Christ. So I found those things that I was worried I would definitely find. Found a sad, pathetic dude who lied - LIED - about his job. Lived in a condo under his mama's name that I'm pretty sure was retirement housing. Claimed he was going to school...maybe he was...but failed a pop quiz. Then he used said class as an excuse to get out of coming to Rutgers Christmas, then said he would go, then LIED about why he was two hours late, then was the first one to leave and took his bottle of Ciroc (that I purchased, mind you) with him. Gawd. The good news is that I'm single. I still have the best job ever. Got promoted to manager in five months. Built a kick-ass team. Merger announcement dropped last October. Got serious about grad school, applied to Penn State. Got accepted. Had panic attack. My right-hand man at work is messing up and will probably ge...