
So I just woke up from this dream I had where I was making out with Jesse Metcalfe (hott gardener boy from "Desperate Housewives," formerly Miguel on "Passions"). In a church. He had a tounge ring. And his name was Tommy for some reason. I don't remember what he was wearing, but I was wearing a push up bra with a wife beater and one of those stupid short ruffly skirts that were popular all summer long. From what I remember, the push-up bra came in handy because I put the twins to some good use by using them to convince him to make out with me. (There's this new push-up bra by Victoria's Secret that I keep seeing on TV and I want one) There was a whole conversation of dialouge before...which turned into really ridiculous flirting. I was apparently very coy and witty. I kept leaving him tounge-tied. I wish I remember what I said. Well, I actually remember the last bit of convo before the make-out stuff began.

Tommy: Please, don't make me beg.
Me (Oh so expertly getting my money's worth out of my bra): I'm hoping I won't have to.
Semi-gratuitous and most likely sacrilegious make-out scene ensues before we are interrupted by the beginning of the service. The pastor singles Tommy out (I can't see him anymore because I have to sit with my fam on the other side of the church), and demands that he take out his tounge ring. The pastor keeps saying something about, "resisting Virginia (yes, it was really Virginia) and porn-noir-graphy (that's how he pronounced it)." Then I woke up, so I'll never know if hott Tommy gave in to the powers of preaching and got rid of his tounge ring. I hope he didn't.

I have issues.
Time for a shower so I can go to work and remind myself that I'm on vacation.


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